
I’ve been meaning to update my blog  regularly….but laziness has a way of keeping me away from my best laid plans.Its been 3 years since i did a proper jungle trip ( read national parks ).

Our home in the hills has its fair share of animal activity. Our property has been visited by elephant(s), sambhar, porcupine, civets,numerous bats and the suspected leopard which took our neighbors dog a few months ago.The birds are present in good numbers too.

The rains of 2018 saw numerous landslides and flash floods in our area. A 150 meter section of the road to our house was washed off. That meant either climbing uphill( really steep)for nearly 1.5 km or taking a 4 wheel drive vehicle to reach our house.Finally ended up buying a Maruti Suzuki Gypsy for our trips.

The roads have been repaired really well. Despite the heavy rains lashing the hills this year too, the roads have managed to hold up.

We’ve planted a few crops… mainly fruiting trees and flowering plants to attract more birds and butterflies. I’ve also become a nature observer, rather than a nature photographer… in part due to my dslr quitting after a soaking in the Kerala monsoon.

So, I’ll end this post with a few glimpses of our place. I do promise to come up with more stuff soon.

Starry night
Time lapse from our backyard .