Home sweet home…

olichuchattam falls

Olichuchattam falls as viewed from my backyard

After a very long hiatus… I’m back on WordPress. A lot has happened since i last logged in here about 4 years ago. Our family has grown. We have a son, he’s almost 2 years old now. He keeps us busy and we don’t travel like we used to before….

Also…. we have finally fulfilled a long cherished dream of ours. A small house in the lap of the mighty western ghats. Anakkampoyil is a small village about 45kms from Calicut. Drive uphill from there for about 4 km and you reach a place called Karimb. Another kilometer uphill and that’s where we have our small house.Its about 600 meters above mean sea level, ensuring fantastic climate (depending on your apetite for heavy rains)

Mobile and internet connectivity are poor and non existant respectievely, and that means more time spent on soaking in the views and climate…

anakkampoyil diaries

A black eagle hovers in the mist

The mists and rains are constant companions throughout the year. The place is blessed with fresh water streams originating from pristine forests which start from about a kilometer away from our house. Clear days provide us with spectacular views of the Vellarimala range from our yard. Birding is fantastic….and so is the wildlife apparently. Elephants , Sambar , and many other wildlife visit our neighbours who live closer to the forest boundary. I’ve not yet mustered the courage to go for a night walk.

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Moonrise over Vellarimala

I will try to keep updating/boring everyone with few sights from our patch of paradise.


Sunday Drives…Kadalundi Bird Sanctuary.

My friend Kishore had been itching to test out a Sigma 150-500 lens for sometime.The opportunity finally came on the second weekend of October.We decided to visit Kadalundi Bird Sanctuary which is about 30-45 mins drive from Calicut.

Our plan was to reach there as early as possible, make a few images and return back home before lunch.We started off at around 5:45 am, stopping for some hot tea at Feroke, and finally reached Kadalundi before 7am.

Little Egret.

Now I had visited Kadalundi about 2 years ago and was least impressed with that place.Little did I know then that, to get to do some serious birding/bird photography in Kadalundi Bird Sanctuary, one has to trek a bit.
So for those who like me have/had no clue about the precise directions to get to the birding spots read on….
We parked the car near the tourist information center.Alternately one can also park their vehicle behind the Kadalundi railway station.We had to cross one bridge across the river.Now there are two bridges, the new one and the old(infamous Kadalundi train crash). While the new one on the left has an excellent footpath, one has to cross the track on the right to reach the birding site.
We had a tough time as we had taken the new bridge, and then climb down a scary ladder, jump from a height across a ditch and climb up back and across the railway track. Now as you walk along on the right side track you will come across a second set of bridges. Just before the start of the second bridge on the right side track, there is a small rough path which starts with a rock climb down.One has to be very very careful while descending down, especially with expensive cameras and lenses.Also it is recommended to wear waterproof sandals with a good grip rather than shoes.
Now once you descend down, you reach the island/prime birding site.
We had taken permission from the authorities before venturing on this trek and I would recommend that to anyone visiting this site as this is a protected area.

3 Whimbrels with a Eurasian Curlew

Lesser Sand Plovers

We came across Sandpipers, Gulls, Redshanks, Wagtails,Kites, Whimbrels, Eurasian Curlews, Kingfishers,Egrets, Sand Plovers at this site. Apparently the winter migrant birds had not started visiting.

Western Reef Heron

We photographed birds till around 9 am.The sun was getting hot and the light harsh….we decided to make the walk back to our car.
Now on the way back we walk along the old railway bridge. The foot path was broken and we had to walk along the tracks…SCARY !!! Finally we made it to the car safe and sound, and headed back home in time for a late breakfast.

Eurasian Curlew

Brown Headed Gull

Common Redshank

Photography tip: The birds are skittish and very vary of humans.It is best to lie flat on your belly and crawl commando style to get close to the birds and also get some good eye level shots. Make sure you have a clean towel and spare clothes as one is bound to be covered in wet sand…not a very comfortable feeling.

Ps. The wiki on Kadalundi Bird Sanctuary.

PPS. Please ask me before using any of my images.

A sunday drive.

We were the last group to leave the checkpost. Although we reached Malabar WLS well after the official visiting hours, we struck up some conversation with the police and forest guards. Very friendly people, who I must say have their patience tested by the innumerable idiots who venture there with their drinks/bottles/etc etc….

They told us to be careful about elephants that we may come across on the road. It had just started raining, and the sun was about to descend below the storm clouds.It was an amazing scene !!! I got out of the car, clicked a few frames and ran back in just before the heavens burst.

Thankfully the elephants were chilling out in their own piece of heaven.

More about Malabar WLS here